Ethical Fund Leaf Ratings
The Ethical Advisers Co-operative has developed the Ethical Fund ‘Leaf’ Ratings system to assist people in making choices for their investments and superannuation that are in line with their ethical values.
What are the Ethical Fund Leaf Ratings?
The Ethical Advisers Co-operative developed the Ethical Fund ‘Leaf’ Ratings to assist people in making choices for their investments and superannuation that are in line with their ethical values.
The Co-op have rated funds which have an ethical or sustainability title or focus. We applaud all investment managers who attempt to invest ethically and sustainably. There are quite significant efforts being taken within the finance industry to develop more ethical and sustainable investments.
All of the funds rated by the Co-op are making an effort to invest in more environmentally sustainable, ethical and socially responsible investments. The Ethical Fund Ratings website is designed to help you understand the differences between these funds, to help make a choice about investing in an ethical fund, and to help ensure that the fund you invest in meets your personal ethical values.
The ratings do not include financial information about the funds, including investment performance or fees. The funds have been reviewed and rated by advisers that are part of the co-op based on each funds’ ethics only. This includes things like the fund’s environmental and social credentials including the underlying investments, their research and screening methods and their voting records and engagement on important issues.
We recommend you speak to a Financial Adviser with experience in ethical investment for personalised advice before making any decisions. Experienced Financial Advisers can assist with selecting a fund which meets not only your ethical values, but also your financial needs and personal situation.