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The Ethical Advisers Co-operative has developed the Ethical Fund ‘Leaf’ Ratings to assist people in making choices for their investments and superannuation that are in line with their ethical values.
The Ethical Advisers Co-operative has developed the Ethical Fund ‘Leaf’ Ratings to assist people in making choices for their investments and superannuation that are in line with their ethical values.
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The Ethical Advisers’ Co-op acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work and live, the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people of Australia, and pay our respect to the Elders past, present and emerging. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land and waters, and recognise their role in caring for and maintaining the land over thousands of years. We also extend that respect to other First Nations. We see reconciliation as a fundamental responsibility for The Ethical Advisers’ Co-op and we are committed to advancing reconciliation with Australia’s First Peoples and engaging with their concerns.
We acknowledge and pay our respects to Māori as the tangata whenua the indigenous people of Aoteroa (New Zealand) and their ancestors who have cared for the whenua (land), its forests, rivers, and mountains for generations. We recognise their continuing connection and contribution to the whenua, and as Treaty of Waitangi partners and we are committed to building respectful relationships with Māori communities and to working towards a more just and equitable society.
As ethical financial advisors, we commit to building respectful relationships with Indigenous communities, working towards economic empowerment and self-determination, and supporting the financial well-being of all Australians and New Zealanders. We recognise that ethical financial advice creates positive change and contributes to a sustainable future, and we are committed to using our skills and expertise to make a difference.
The contents of this website are intended as general advice only. The information provided by the Ethical Advisers Co-operative do not account for any individual’s personal objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be used, relied upon, or treated as a substitute for specific professional advice. The Ethical Advisers Co-operative recommends all users obtain their own independent professional advice from an appropriately qualified financial adviser before making any decision relating to their particular requirements or circumstances. Investing in, or switching between investments or superannuation funds may have unintended financial consequences.
The survey results, and all information contained in this website including all documents, consider only the ethics of each fund and do not include any analysis of fees, performance or financial suitability. The ethical score is subjective and benchmarked against each adviser’s average ethical client. Your ethics may differ. We recommend you speak to an experienced ethical financial adviser for personalised advice before making any decisions. The information provided by the Ethical Advisers Co- operative does not constitute financial advice. The information is general in nature and is presented in order to inform people motivated by ethical, environmental or social concerns.
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