Louise Edkins​

Member of the Ethical Adviser's Co-Op, Adviser at Ethical Investment Advisers​​​​

​ Louise Edkins CFP™ is a joint director of Ethical Investment Advisers Pty Ltd, a financial planning group that specialises in giving advice to ethical investors. She is a member of the Financial Planning Association and a Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP). Louise is a member and certified by the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia (RIAA).

Louise started her career as a money market dealer at Macquarie Bank in 1984, a client adviser with CS First Boston Australian Equities and a Securities Risk Reporting Analyst at Natwest Markets in London. Having worked in financial markets and broking firms through the eighties, Louise felt there was more to life than “greed is good” and has advised clients solely on ethical investment since 1994.

Why Should I Divest?

“Shareholder activism is one of the key themes we’re seeing. There is a strong sense of buyer resolution, as an increasing number of Australians realise that ethical investing is not just the right thing to do, but also the smart thing to do. People are buying stocks in greener areas, like smart and renewable technology, instead of investing in negative areas like gas and oil.

Most of our clients have divested, as they are more aware of carbon risks. In many ways, divesting is a risk management strategy as well as an investment strategy. Increasingly large, well-known investors are seeing the opportunities in ethical investment and the risks in carbon. With long term out-performance by ethical investments compared to mainstream funds, there is now no question about investment returns.

Smart, renewable technologies are showing prevalence in the international space as well. Silicone stocks, smart switches and other forms of technical stock relevant to infrastructure are on the rise. India has just announced $880 million in solar investment by their government. Renewables are now Germany’s largest power source. The Saudi Arabian Oil Minister has been quoted recently as saying they will switch to solar power end fossil-fuel energy consumption by 2040.”